inside out house

A traditional London family house has been re-furbished in line with a more modern lifestyle.

The kitchen (once constrained in a narrow layout) has been united to the dining and the new open plan living areas have been opened to the garden.

A foldable glass wall is the only separation between inside and outside.

A polished concrete kitchen counter links the indoor with the outdoor.

A mobile island can be wheeled around and also configured as a long rectangle or as a square to serve or prepare food but also as a cocktails party base.

The same timber floor, made of large boards going from wall to wall, defines a small patio before creating the steps to the garden that are also used as informal seating.

The unused loft has been turned into a luxury bathroom, winner of the Design of the Year 2009.


Studio team: Paul Thrush, Stefania Mazzarini, Rosalba Napolitano, Francesco Draisci

Structural Engineer: Techniker Ltd

Photography: Carlo Draisci